We speak warehouse robots
like no one else

AI-powered robotics for warehouses with human-like capabilities

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About us
At Yango Robotics we do AI-powered robotics solutions for warehouses to automate every step of your order fulfillment. From piece-picking and mobile warehouse robotics, our technologies are tailored to tackle the escalating fulfillment costs across diverse sectors of e-commerce, logistics, manufacturing, and beyond.
Our solutions
Yango Robotics Inventory Tracking platform
Our warehouse stock-scanning intelligence platform is designed to provide continuous monitoring of your inventory and optimize your warehouse efficiency. Using AI technologies, it gathers accurate, real-time data to offer actionable insights, ensuring you always have precise visibility into your inventory and warehouse operations.
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Item Agnostic Mixed Case Palletizing
With a mixed case palletizing robot in a warehouse you can efficiently organize diverse product assortments onto pallets. Our robots expertly handle different items, stacking them neatly and precisely to optimize space utilization. They can seamlessly adapt to various product shapes and sizes, ensuring efficient palletization for a wide range of inventory.
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Our technologies are developed by top-notch engineers in a robotics lab in Belgrade, Serbia, and undergo a real-life test in our very own 84000 sqm warehouse.  Our mission is to design robotic solutions that empower humans.
Yango Robotics Picker for PutWall, G2P, Induction and Kitting
Our AI-driven robotics pick-and-place solution designed to grasp and relocate objects efficiently. Our piker solutions are tailored for navigating warehouse environments and moving goods, aiding in tasks such as inventory organization and preparation for shipping.
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How we do that
AI-based Solution
Closed Loop Control
Pinch and
What robots will bring you
cost savings
Achieve lower costs per pick compared to human labor. Payback period within three years
Enhanced Warehouse Productivity
Experience higher and more predictable productivity levels
Improved Quality
There is less room for human errors. Reduce failures and damages, enhancing overall quality for employees and consumers
Coming soon
  • Unlimited SKU Range
  • Quick implementation
  • Bin Picking
  • Put Wall
  • Autonomous Navigation
  • Analytics
  • Fleet Management
Tue Sep 03 2024 11:16:53 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)